Whatever your talent, we’d love to have you come by and get involved. You can even earn 10 HSA Volunteer Hours if you chair an event!
To volunteer, simply contact the HSA. There is something for everyone.
BACK TO SCHOOL DINNER: Assist in coordination/promotion of event, set-up/break down, volunteer at event
BOOK FAIR: Assist in coordination/promotion or event, set-up/break down, volunteer at event
CARNIVAL/FESTIVAL: Assist in coordination, planning, and promotion of event, set-up/break down, volunteer at event
CHARLESTON WRAP: Assist in coordination/promotion of event; assist in distributing products once delivered
EASTER EGG HUNT/BREAKFAST: Assist in coordination/promotion of event, set-up/break down, volunteer at event
FATHER’S CLUB: Assist SMSM with volunteering, moving/fixing items at school or for events
FESTIVAL OF TREES: Christmas Bazaar; Assist in coordination, planning, and promotion of event; set-up/break down; volunteer at event
FIELD DAY: Assist in coordination and planning of event; set-up/break down; volunteer time day of event
FISH FRY: Assist in coordination/promotion of event, set-up/break down, volunteer at event
FUN AND FITNESS DAY: Assist in coordination and planning of event; volunteer on day of event
GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY: Assist in coordination/promotion of event, volunteer to sell at area parishes, counting/recording funds collected
GRANDPARENTS DAY: Assist in coordination and planning of event; volunteer on day of event
LUNCH/RECESS DUTY: Assist in distribution of lunches to children 11:30-1:30 during school day and assist with monitoring children during recess
MEMORIAL DAY FLOAT COMMITTEE: Assist in coordination/decorating float with SMSM children for parade
MEMORIAL DAY PANCAKE BREAKFAST: Assist in coordination/promotion of event; set-up/break down; volunteer at event
MOTHER’S CLUB: Assist SMSM with volunteering, baking, donating, etc. at school or for events
MOTHER’S DAY PLANT SALE: Event for children at school to purchase plants Assist in coordination/promotion of event; set-up/break down; volunteer day(s) of event
PUMPKIN PATCH: Assist in coordination/promotion selling pumpkins for children/school community, volunteer at event
SANTA BREAKFAST: Assist in coordination, planning, and promotion of event, set-up/break down, volunteer at event
SHOPPING (Christmas) SPREE: Event for children at school to purchase gifts, assist in coordination/promotion of event; set-up/break down; volunteer day of event
SHRED/RECYCLE DAY: Community brings bags of documents to be securely shredded and recyclable cans/bottles. Assist in coordination/promotion of event; set-up/break down; volunteer day of event
SNOWFLAKE RAFFLE: Assist in coordination/promotion of event, volunteer to sell at area parishes, counting/recording funds collected
SPELLING BEE: Assist in coordination and planning of event; volunteer on day of event
TALENT SHOW: Children display talents; assist in coordination/promotion of event; set-up/break down; volunteer at event
TEACHER APPRECIATION PIE DAY: Coordinate collection of donated pies as teacher appreciation before Thanksgiving
TRUNK OR TREAT: Assist in coordination/promotion of event; collect candy for distribution, set-up/break-down, volunteer at event
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